Rainbow Therapy™ is a therapy in my offer that gives amazing results immediately after receiving the therapy. It's a wonderful healing experience that "heals" in balances every part of your body and all areas of your life. It harmonises your chakras, your physical energy and other bodies (etheric, astral, mental and spiritual auric body) so they run and vibrate at higher frequencies. It balances all your body processes, removes all negativity and lower vibrations that block your ascencion. It helps you to raise the vibration to a higher level ... the level of 5D system. Also it aligns you with the energies of the Earth and helps you to anchor new frequencies into the Earth.
But the therapy doesn't end here... it just begins. When all of your bodies are balanced it harmonizes all of them with every area of your life. Each recipient receives a DNA upgrade, the keys that unlock and upgrade your soul gifts, abilities and potentials. It aligns you with your life path and gives you the maximum universal support you need to fulfill your life mission here on Earth. You get the Rainbow blessings for all areas of your life and it gives you what you need at that moment. Each therapy is different but after these therapies I actually noticed a large improvement in clients in a very short time. Therapy is the answer to clients desires and needs and the needs of the planet. It brings more lightness and joy in your life ... it brings a rainbow of infinite possibilities. What clients are saying about the Rainbow Therapy™? "Rainbow Therapy™ is one of the most intense therapies I've ever experienced with you... feelings are fenomenal... I feel empty, cleansed, light... thank you Romana for your contribution and thank you for being. We will repeat soon. :)" Petra Smid, Slovenia "I feel like a bird which for many years was locked in a cage desperately trying to open the doors of a cage and to free herself. And then it happened and with all of the gratitude, joy and love within her she finally flies free. At the right time because she needed all of this - she had to learn tolerance, patience and acceptance of everything and when she learned all the lessons she could fly free. Now I know why and I know all the answers. It's been 2 days since I received a wonderful gift from dear Romana and came to her rainbow therapy which literally created a rainbow in my being. For 2 days my heart is so full of gratitude, joy and peace that is difficult to describe - but maybe I do not need to because those who know me are already seeing changes within me and so they give me further confirmation. But I do not need more confirmations - I know who I am I know what I want and what I yearn for. No more hiding, no more feelings that I will not succeed - all this is in the past. From now on I will really live and I enjoy every moment. And what could be better? Therefore dear Romana, once again a sincere thank you for your wonderful gift, thanks to the magic of the rainbow journey and thanks to my angels and guides for all the help. And of course, the biggest thanks to me for allowing myself to receive it. "Vida Klemenc, Slovenia "It was awesome... you must experience it... it cannot be described." Zdenka O., Slovenia "Dear Romana....😇💜 It is difficult to describe in words all the emotions, feelings, experiences, thoughts .... that happened to us on this therapy and are happening and will happen .... changes, beautiful changes that inspire me and my heavenly daughter. Heartfelt thanks from our side that we were able to enjoy this beautiful therapy or let say Rainbow Traveling. With you and your burning, joyful and relaxed energy it is so beautiful, so wonderful. Adoration. 💜💕 Thanks. PS: picture is waiting for you." Natalija G., Slovenia "Dear Romana, with your Rainbow therapy you shifted something magical within me, which so far nobody else could. This is even better than meditation which I have been practicing so far☺! And what's even better that as a being I could finally felt my soul and my body. Now I know how to be a soul within the body as a whole infinite being. I know! For long I've been confronting myself and as a therapist I tried many techniques. But the Rainbow Therapy has awaken in me much more awareness so I could open up more to the energies. Afterwards I felt lighter and all the weight and ballast have departed from me as a feather. I received all the messages that I needed for myself. Now I know what to do next. Rainbow ☺ indeed rainbow ☺ and lightness of the therapy is the icing on the cake. You cannot believe it until you experience it. And it's intense ☺ I think everybody should experience it. I'm grateful you crossed my path ☺" Aleksandra, Slovenia Date: 9.4.2020 at 8 pm CEST Countdown to event: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20200409T08&p0=736&msg=Group+Rainbow+therapy+session&font=cursive) Location: in your own home Energy exchange: 50€ Rainbow therapy™ lasts aproximately 60 min. During this time you are laying down fully dressed on your bed or a massage table, where you open yourself to receiving. Because this healing energies and frequencies are very pure and intense you may fall asleep which is totally normal. You still get what you require at that moment. Rainbow therapy™ was channeled by: Romana Črček, intuitive counselor, therapist and life coach with internationally recognized certifications, teacher of different techniques to raise awareness and a lover of personal and spiritual growth Are you ready to colour your life with Rainbow therapy™ and open yourself to infinite rainbow possibilities? Are you willing to live a life full of ease and joy? |