Rainbow Therapy™ is a new therapy in my offer that gives amazing results immediately after receiving the therapy. It's a wonderful healing experience that "heals" in balances every part of your body and all areas of your life.It harmonises your chakras, your physical energy and other bodies (etheric, astral, mental and spiritual auric body) so they run and vibrate at higher frequencies. It balances all your body processes, removes all negativity and lower vibrations that block your ascencion. It helps you to raise the vibration to a higher level ... the level of 5D system. Also it aligns you with the energies of the Earth and helps you to anchor new frequencies into the Earth.
But the therapy doesn't end here... it just begins. When all of your bodies are balanced it harmonizes all of them with every area of your life. Each recipient receives a DNA upgrade, the keys that unlock and upgrade your soul gifts, abilities and potentials. It aligns you with your life path and gives you the maximum universal support you need to fulfill your life mission here on Earth. You get the Rainbow blessings for all areas of your life and it gives you what you need at that moment.
Each therapy is different but after these therapies I actually noticed a large improvement in clients in a very short time. Therapy is the answer to clients desires and needs and the needs of the planet. It brings more lightness and joy in your life ... it brings a rainbow of infinite possibilities.